Our Insurance Forms
Keeping Active Massage Therapy, LLC accepts insurance for any therapeutic massage or bodywork service in North Carolina and domestic and international locations. We keep accurate records, which will include a copy of the referral and all dates (such as dates of the injury, date of diagnosis, and who was contacted at the insurance company and when).
This is important because the insurance company may ask for this information at a later date, and having it ready and streamlined may expedite any payments. You may also check with your automobile insurance policy, as medical massage therapy may be covered if this form of treatment is recommended to treat chronic pain that is a direct result of an automobile accident.
Besides getting the initial referral, it is recommended to ask your doctor about other treatments that will work in conjunction with massage therapy and will effectively shorten healing time and decrease levels of chronic pain. This step will also increase your chances of successfully receiving payment from your insurance company for medical massage therapy treatment.
For example, ask about a healing treatment plan that will aid in your recovery while emphasizing the benefits of medical massage therapy. If an employee gets injured while doing his or her job, the worker’s compensation coverage usually covers hospital bills, rehabilitation, and
loss of salary.
If this is the case, and if medical massage therapy is required to be a part of the overall treatment, the insurance provider must approve the treatment before any payment is completed.
Moreover, the recommendation for massage therapy must indicate the span of time which has been approved and the kind of massage that has been prescribed by the physician. The following are some medical insurance companies that may cover medical massage therapy in
half or in full:
Blue Cross/Blue Shield
Tufts Medical
Please be advised that each state has different laws pertaining to coverage. Claim your health insurance form 1500 now before
scheduling your appointment.
HSA Payment Accepted

The client's insurance card(s), with front and back copies
The prescription and/or other referral documents from the client's doctor
The insurance pre-approval request
For workers' compensation, the Statement of Injury form
An authorization to release medical information (Be aware that some states set time limits on how long the signature is valid.)
A statement stating that the client will pay any fees not covered by the insurance (Be aware that some types of insurance plans do not allow you to collect any amount that the insurance has paid you.)
SOAP notes
The reports used to update the referring health care provider
HIPAA compliance documents
A doctor's referral
An accepted claim form from us